Q1 2022 News
March 2022
Rich Text gadget to provide contextual information
We bring a brand new gadget to add Rich Text to your dashboards. This gadget will allow you to provide contextual information to your dashboards. The instructions to react to a failed deployment, the steps to follow after an incident with a customer or hints to understand your custom charts: Formatted text, links, emojis, lists, images, videos…

Cloud storage
In order to be able to provide some features like Advanced Permissions, increased performance and security enhancements, we are moving away from Atlassian’s entity properties. From now on, our Cloud customers information will be kept in an external Cloud storage service. You can learn more in Where does Dashboard Hub Cloud Store the Data?
Support for the Affected Services field
We have solved a Jira limitation that prevents the value of the field Affected Services to be displayed in the Jira search results. You can read more information in https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSDCLOUD-9768.
Bug Fixes
Check more information about some bugs we’ve killed 🐞🐞🐞 in the Release Notes of each version.
February 2022
Check out our latest Customer Success Story with Success Solutions: How Success Solutions saves 150+ hours with customer Jira reports & dashboards on JSM
If you want to share your story, contact us!
Projectrak Integration - Final Touch
The last bits of the Projectrak integration are here for you!
Five new gadgets: Project Leaders workload, Project Stakeholders Workload, Project Timesheet, Project Timeline and Project by Status. Insights for your project portfolio in just a couple of clicks 🙂
New Projectrak Insights dashboard template. A full-fledged dashboard to keek track of your whole project portfolio. It includes five Projectrak gadgets, but you can always include the PQL Custom Charts gadget and create new and insightful charts.

Feature Parity
Feature parity with cloud. We include in this version the integration with DEISER's Projectrak for Data Center. So, now you can display and leverage the power of project tracking in your Data Center and Server dashboards. Use the PQL Custom Chart gadget to create custom charts from Projectrak data 🪅

Projectrak Integration
Good morning my friends! we bring a brand new release with a nice surprise... The first part of the integration with DEISER's Projectrak. Now you can enjoy all the power of project tracking in your dashboards. There's no excuses, improve the control over your projects!
Integration with DEISER's Projectrak 🪅
PQL Custom Charts gadget to create custom charts from Projectrak data

You can read more in our blog https://appfire.com/resource/dashboard-hub-jira-projectrak-integration/!
Bug Fixing Spree
We’ve been working on the stability of all our versions (Jira and Confluence) across all hosting options (cloud, server and data center). We know this is not something our final users can see, but we are sure you appreciate 🐞🐞🐞 (check more details in the Release Notes of each version).
January 2022
Time to First Response and Time to Resolution are now customizable!
Two of the most popular SLA gadgets, Time to First Response and Time to Resolution are now customizable. When you configure any of these gadgets, you can indicate the priorities to be displayed, for example “Highest” and “High”.

Besides priorities, the line color of the series can also be customized with colors of your preference.

Security, Improvements and Bug Fixing
We’ve been preparing our apps for the Atlassian Cloud Fortified program. This means that we’ve undergone an internal security audit and we’ve improved some security aspects 🙂
Among the improvements we’ve released we’d like to highlight one that our customers were asking for… Segments in our JQL Custom Charts and PQL Custom Charts gadgets now link to their represented issues or projects. I.e., if you click in the charts, you’ll be redirected to Jira to see the list of issues or projects.
We also fixed a number of bugs!🐞🐞🐞 (check more details in the Release Notes of each version).