Open Pull Requests by Author
We already displayed the workload of developers in terms of pull requests to be reviewed in Pull Requests Team Workload. However, the workload of a person also includes work in progress, tasks “almost done” or “just pending the PR” are NOT finished. So open pull request are also workload to the author, not just for the reviewers.
This gadget displays the authors of open pull requests, in a leaderboard layout, and each avatar is clickable. When you click on one of the authors, you’ll be redirected to Bitbucket to see the summary of the open pull requests of that person.

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The datasource to connect to Bitbucket Pipelines. Remember that you need the Dashboard Hub Connector for Bitbucket app, see Dashboard Hub Connector Apps if you don’t know what is that.
The repository (or repositories) where the authors are working on.
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